You’re walking the plank, shell brains! Be prepared to lose a few extra lives against Pirate Bebop & Rocksteady, the first 2 pack coming to NECA‘s TMNT Turtles In Time line.
Equipped with a whip(Bebop) and rapier sword(Rocksteady), this hefty duo is dressed in their pirate outfits, ready to recklessly charge through anyone in their way.
Both figures feature special deco that recreates the pixilated look of the video game and comes in window box packaging with graphics from the original arcade cabinet. Shipping Date: May 2021

Terminate the turtles! It’s time to square up against Baxter Stockman, the first boss fight from the classic Turtles In Time Arcade game.
This mutated fly is super-articulated, including movement in the wings, mid-legs, and a hinged jaw. Ultimate Baxter comes with his two ray guns and an articulated energy hand, which can grab the turtles. Features special paint deco that recreates the pixilated look of the video game and comes in ultimate packaging! Shipping Date: May 2021
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