Mister Bizarre and the Unnatural Naturals gives us a new experience in comics with SKATELANDS, come, continue with us and discover what all this is about.
Mister Bizarre and the Unnatural Naturals is a new creative division born within the realm of the strange and ever talented brain of Doctor Ordinary. One person, many minds, catering starving brains, hungry for imagination. Behind the eyes of John Stewart.
Skateland is a story about two different people, on different paths, facing similar challenges as they search for something bigger than themselves. It will take them finding each other to learn who they really are and what they really desire.
Skateland is a dramatic, action packed story that takes you on a roller coaster ride of emotions and excitement. Skateland is written and produced by John Stewart, the writer of the Gaslighters Comic Book series. The interior artwork was penciled by Mike Constantino, the inking was done by Gian Luca Spampinato, color flats by Carol Cordeiro and coloring by Fernando Cordeiro.
Skateland, Part 1, consists of 40 pages of a 3 part series totaling of at least 120 pages. Each issue will have their individual project on Kickstarter, with the possibility of obtaining the complete omnibus Skateland graphic novel in either trade paperback and/or hardcover versions.
In this amazing project you can get your copies of SKATELAND 1, as well as pre-order issues 2 and 3, in individual or omnibus format, you can also add different complements to your order and find wonderful variant covers.
If you want to be part of SKATELANDS, here is the Kickstarter link https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mrbizarre/skateland-1-comic?ref=nav_search&result=project&term=skateland
And a sneack peek of issue two 😉