Super! #1 comes to life again thanks to UNLIKELY HEROES STUDIOS

The quips come fast and the asses come kicked as a team of nobodies tries to make a name for themselves in a world filled with supers – With this premise we present you Super! . Continue with C506 and discover everything that Unlikely Heroes Studios has for you!

Unlikely Heroes Studios is an independent comic book company with a team spread out all over America. They create, print, and publish high-quality comics. With 20 projects developed through Kickstarter. Super is the new installment of this wonderful company!

First of all! Let’s talk about what is Super

You’re the richest person on the planet, what do you do? Spend your wealth trying to colonize Mars? Maybe just fly to space in the preeminent phallic compensator and cry about unions to a frigid, uncaring universe? Or maybe … you assemble your very own team of super powered misfits, toss a cool billion at an awesome new headquarters, and out-hero those annoying A-listers! Or, you know, accidentally demolition an entire city block while you and your squad try to stop the Black Atom from robbing a casino. It’s just another Tuesday evening in Cosmopolis, the city of supers.

SUPER! was originally released in 2011 to much fanfare from readers and critics alike. Six more issues followed over the years, but then… a tragedy: in 2019, Zack Dolan, the creator and artist behind the series, passed away before the full scope of his vision could be realized. It’s been three years since that nightmare transpired, and finally, in honor of Dolan, Unlikely Heroes Studios would like to present to you this remastered, retooled, relettered, and reassembled ultimate version of Zack’s dream project. Starting with Issue 1.

Old page on the left – Remastered on the right!

Original colorist Eve Pinkk3r returned to tweak Zack’s cover, as well as the interiors, resulting in brighter, more vibrant art. Dialogue and captions have been adjusted for better fit and flow, under the watchful gaze of Zack’s brother, Michael. Letters have been rebuilt entirely from the ground up to provide significant leaps in legibility, as well as a sexier, more modern look. Additionally, a series of variant covers were created with different artists.

And now… let’s talk about the comic!

In this fabulous 52-page first issue, you’ll meet hapless heroes, vindictive villains, rampaging robots, malevolent mimes, and more superpowered action than you can shake a stick at…but don’t shake a stick, the stick’s probably sentient and will vaporize you with a death ray!

And don’t think we forgot the preview!

And now we will meet the creative team

SUPER! was originally created, drawn, inked and written by the late, great Zack Dolan. It was co-created, co-written, and lettered by Justin Piatt, with ink assists by Tara Kappel, flats by Estela Yanez, and colors by Eve Pinkker.

The remastered version is tweaked and relettered by UHS’s Erek Foster, with color adjustments by Eve Pinkker, and ink fixes by Laurie Foster.

COVER ART is by:

A: Zack Dolan (UHS) + Eve Pinkker (UHS, Karaokulta)

B: Ian Richardson (2000 AD, Marvel UK, Dark Horse, Image) + Robert Nugent (Dynamite, IDW, Scout)

C: Javiera Argandona (White Eden, Lost Sombreros)

D: Mike Watson(Freestyle Komics), Laurie Foster(UHS, Valiant, Kymera Press), + and Veronica Smith (Freestyle Komics)

E: Erek Foster (UHS) + Laurie Foster

F: Sarah White (UHS)

And now let’s talk about how you can get your copy of Super!

Super! is being funded through Kickstarter, here are some rewards you can get in this campaign!

But these are just some of the rewards you can get. This project has comics and rewards that you won’t find anywhere else, so go to their project page and discover everything that Super! has to offer you

And do not forget to follow Unlikely Heroes Studios on their social networks:


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