Tempo is back on Kickstarter with a new comic – Come check it out!

Tempo, the incredible comic that presents us a gap between hip-hop and fantasy, returns to Kickstarter. Continue with C506 and discover everything this comic has for you!

Tempo is an action adventure story combining elements of hip-hop and fantasy. In this world, people can physically manifest music. This ability is called Tempo.

The story follows a young woman named Baako who gets her Tempo stolen by a famous rapper. She must reclaim what is hers, and along the way create new bonds that will help her on her quest.

What will you get for backing Tempo?
  • Tempo One: 40 pages printed on super high quality paper in standard comic book size
  • Tempo Two: 36 pages printed on super high quality paper in standard comic book size
  • Tempo Three: 40 pages printed on super high quality paper at standard comic book size
  • Exclusive Kickstarter stickers, shirts, sweatshirts, and more
  • Becoming a character within the Tempo universe
  • Original artwork used within the series
And now, wait! We have a preview for you!
And now, let’s talk about how you can get your copy of Tempo

Tempo is currently being financed through Kickstarter, where different rewards are presented. Next we will show you some of them.

But this is not all! Tempo has rewards that you will not find anywhere else, so we invite you to enter their campaign page and be part of this incredible Project https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/kevinbetou/tempo-book-1-3-combining-hip-hop-and-fantasy?

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