Hive Mind came to Kickstarter to surprise us with an incredible story

From creator, Plaid Klaus, the co-creator and illustrator of VOID TRIP™ (Image comics) and Turncoat (Tpub), comes his first original work: HIVE MIND®. Continue with us and delve into this wonderful story.

After a successfully sold-out release of a limited 100-print edition at 2021 NYCC, Mind Comics is launching the first large-scale publication of HIVE MIND® on KICKSTARTER.

Let’s talk about the book

Hive Mind is a story about Empire, the Social Order, human nature, and our machines. Shrowded in the trenchcoat of a film noir aesthetic, this smoke-filled science fiction epic begins with our detective-hero, Kipling, having been cast out of paradise (disconnected from the Hive Mind).

Kipling is forced to examine an old and dusty case file – a bloody horror story from his time as a police officer inside The Order. His pursuit leads him down a darkened alley; as the lights of logic and reason begin to fade, the wheels of his mind start to slip from their stable gears. Kipling’s past becomes injected into the case, and he is forced to address and re-examine some unsettling facts.

The graphic novel begins as a slow burn, crescendos into an explosive eruption that will permanently alter the reader’s mind – leaving only ashes and embers from which a reader must dig through in hopes to recover some sense of security in our troubling modern technocratic world.

Enter with us in the preview of this incredible comic!
Where can I get my copy of HIVE MIND®?

We tell you that the comic is being financed through Kickstarter, where not only can you find this fabulous comic, but you can also acquire original art and additional stories from Mind Comics!

Find this and much more at

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