(C506 Review) Join us to save Monstro city in this review of Defenders of Monstro City #1

At C506 we’ve always prided ourselves on bringing you reviews of the most relevant comics in the indie scene. Today we bring you the review of a story that, quite honestly, surprised us for its creativity and great story! Continue with us and join us on this journey in Defenders of Monstro City .

(W/A/CA) Ron Maras

Banding together in a courageous effort to protect their city from any imaginable threat… Fangley, Frankenchica, Lunchback, Blobert, Mr. Hide, Gillroy, and Lobewella are the… DEFENDERS OF MONSTRO CITY!

In Defenders of Monstro City we are introduced to Monstro City, the most curious place you can imagine, where the most unique creatures you can imagine live in harmony. That is, until the terrible Docto Dweevil decides it’s time to put his plan into action.

Docto Dweevil has initiated his plan and with this he decided to attack one of the basic services of this society and turn it into a business that will benefit him economically (If you ask me my opinion, this plan is the most evil I’ve read in a comic book in a long time). However, to accomplish his mission, Docto Dweevil has had to go through Fangley’s cave, without knowing it, this will be one of his worst mistakes, since it will reunite the Defenders of Monstro City!

To begin this review, we would like to highlight the narrative of this story. Ron Maras has developed an incredible story for all ages, with a theme that transcends and, although the conflict developed in this story applies to this fictional epic, it is a reflection of a reality that afflicts the world, showing us the power that some individuals have over the world.

The writing is solid throughout the story, easy to understand and enjoyable during each panel. A detail to highlight, is that although the reading is easy to follow, it does not necessarily imply that elements of character building are left out, on the contrary, Maras has managed to introduce us into his world in a masterful way, providing an additional layer of complexity to his story.

And talking about the characters, we can say that they are simply charismatic, it is impossible not to empathize with at least one of the characters present in this story, which is a strong point of this story!

Now, let’s talk about art. Maras presents throughout his comic a characteristic, dynamic and extremely pleasing to the eye art. Each panel is presented in an extremely dynamic and detailed sequential art. So, those people who are more attracted to the visual area of comics, will have a lot to see and without a doubt it will be a great attraction.

Finally, we can conclude with this story, which, despite being the first issue of this story, presents us with a completely new world and manages to elegantly introduce a new space and introduce characters easily. The story, as we have mentioned, is for all audiences, which makes it easy to read and allows us to share this comic with others and ensure a fun time.

Few comics have managed to surprise us in such a positive way as Defenders of Monstro City and we wholeheartedly invite you to give this comic a chance. You can get a copy of Defenders of Monstro City , as well as pre-order the second issue via Kickstarter at the following link https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ronmaras/defenders-of-monstro-city-2

Remember it’s for a limited time only, so hurry to order your copy!

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