Indie TCG – Backrooms TCG: A Solitary Escape

Welcome back to the Indie TCG Series, where we explore unique trading card games that break the mold. Today, we introduce you to Backrooms TCG, a solitaire trading card game presented by Aaron Juarez, inspired by the enigmatic internet phenomenon known as the Backrooms.

In Backrooms TCG, players embark on an intense solo journey to escape the labyrinthine maze they’ve “no-clipped” into. Their mission: gather items, battle entities, and forge alliances with friendly beings to uncover the elusive Painite Gem and secure their escape.

For solitaire game enthusiasts, this TCG is a dream come true. You can even get notified about their Kickstarter campaign by clicking here. Speaking of which, visiting the Backrooms TCG website showcases meticulous attention to detail, complete with immersive music. Just take a look here.

What sets Backrooms TCG apart? It’s simple—it’s a solitaire TCG, a unique concept in a genre dominated by multiplayer dynamics.

Delve deeper into Backrooms TCG to encounter diverse entities and gather essential items. The solitaire focus of this trading card game transforms the player’s experience into a personal adventure rather than a competitive showdown. Learn the game’s secrets through the comprehensive tutorial page and a full-color Rulebook.

If you’re in a hurry, an informative video tutorial can get you up to speed in under 8 minutes. The music immersion within the game adds an extra layer of excitement.

A free PDF Starter Deck is available to print and play for those itching for immediate adventure. Test your skills, battle unfriendly entities, and pursue the Painite Gem.

If you prefer a digital experience, you can play Backrooms TCG on Tabletop Simulator and invite friends to join you.

Dive into the game’s lore with a digital comic authored by Aaron Suarez and beautifully illustrated by Francisco. It spans 38 pages, adding depth to the Backrooms TCG universe.

Backrooms TCG takes a bold departure from typical TCGs. It immerses players in an eerie, ever-repeating maze, introducing peculiar entities and unconventional items. It’s an innovative, solitary adventure that defies TCG norms.

In summary, Backrooms TCG offers a unique and refreshing TCG experience. Whether you buy the physical starter deck, print and play, or explore it in a digital realm, it promises an adventure like no other. Stay tuned for more updates when the Kickstarter campaign launches.

We hope you’ve enjoyed this article. Stay tuned for more exciting details coming soon!

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INDIE TCG SERIES: Role of Fate Let´s Play Video