(C506 Review) Get ready for the adventure, we will explore the dangers of space with Malicent Black

At C506 we’ve always prided ourselves on introducing you to the best projects in the world of comics. We recently read Malicent Black and without any hesitation, we can tell you that it was one of the best experiences we’ve had in a long time. If you want to discover more about this wonderful comic, we invite you to continue with us.

Malicent Black is a work developed by the creative duo of Drew Ferguson and Lee Ferguson, father and son decided to join forces to create a wonderful world. For this great project, also joined DC Hopkins and the talented artist Gary Frank.

When you need to take care of a situation, there is a list of people who can help you, at the end of that list, there remains only one name which makes you doubt if the monster you need to face is worse than the monster you are about to call… That name is Malicent Black.

In the heart of space, Malicent Black will have the mission to export a mysterious castle. On this journey, we will learn a little more about Malicent’s past and discover what haunts her to this day.

Let’s start with the review

One of the high points of Malicent Black is the writing of the comic. Drew Ferguson, who scripted this comic, did an excellent job of introducing us to a whole new universe and allowed us to feel like we were part of it from the very first second. Malicent Black has a central thread throughout the story, Drew Fergusonn managed to follow this thread across the comic, presenting us with a solid and consistent story that both hardcore and casual readers can understand.

On the other hand, when we refer to a comic, the best complement to a good story is the art, as it helps us to better visualise the idea that the writer wants to show.  Regarding the art of Malicent Black, we can say that Lee Ferguson presented an impeccable work, he created vibrant art for the entire comic. The sense of space, the vivid colours and the desire to explore the unknown is wonderful. You can see the dedication and love for this story on every page.

In addition, it is necessary to highlight the work of DC Hopkins with the work on the letters of this comic. Visually, the letters look impressive throughout the story, they look organic and you can tell they are part of the story.

The verdict

Malicent Black is a wonderful story, which allows us to explore space and discover unknown horrors. Drew Ferguson developed an impressive story, which together with the art created by Lee Ferguson, marked the genesis of an impressive story. From start to finish, you can tell that Malicent Black was developed from the heart and you can see the care of all the creators for the character. After an incredible , we look forward to more Malicent stories.

If you have the chance to read Malicent Black’s first comic, do it right now and don’t miss this incredible comic.

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