C506 presents you through an exclusive interview ElectroPunk, a comic you cannot miss

The team of C506 and Electropunk team have joined forces to introduce you to  Electropunk: Children of the Future, an amazing kickstarter project. Continue with us to discover more secrets of this incredible comic.

Rough cover of Electropunk

C506: It’s great to have the opportunity to speak to you, first of all, could you tell us more about the history of the comic?
ET: We started kicking ideas around at a 4th of July picnic a few years back, but didn’t think too much about it at the time. Then a year later we did it against the next picnic, and realized we really had something! We’ve been stacking up scripts and art ever since.

C506: That means that Electropunk has its time brewing, and now I would like to know what do you consider innovative in your story?
ET: The setting is unique, in that it’s an almost post-Steampunk world where we tried to imagine what the 20th century would have looked like if it had been shaped by the genius of Nikola Tesla. But then we combine in mythology, cryptozoology, martial arts, and almost anything else you can think of!

C506: Can you tell us a little about the work team of the comic?
ET: Jeff Wamester is a Director and Character Designer who’s worked on a number of animated projects for Warner Brothers and Marvel Animation.
Dave Walters is the writer of Dungeons & Dragons: A Darkened Wish for IDW publishing and a fixture in the table top game streaming space.

C506: It is incredible, Electropunk has a dream team, now, if this were not enough, what would you say to the readers to convince them to sponsor the project?
ET: Because it’s AWESOME! This book is a combination of some of the best writing and art techniques available in comics today. And more importantly: Ruthie and Chuck are really fabulous characters that you are going to LOVE. They’re brave and strong, and although they go through a lot of struggles, they always lean on each other and they never give up.

C506: Finally, we saw in your project an amazing dice from Level Up Dice. What made you decide to associate with Level Up Dice?
ET: Although this is a graphic novel, we know lots of fans of comics are also fans of gaming, and having Level Up Dice create custom one-of-a-kind pieces for us was too good of a possibility to pass up. And, we wanted the dice for ourselves, too!

This novel is only found on Kickstarter, so if you wish to purchase it you must enter the project page, for this you can enter by clicking here.

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