Kickstarter is an incredible world, where every day we can discover wonderful projects. VR xoxo has arrived, come with us on this journey and discover this amazing comic.
The story
If you want to know the story of VR xoxo, here we present it to you, given directly by the creators of the comic.
Itsuki Nishimaru has his whole life planned out. School… Job… Family. He is the ideal student and excels in all of his classes but when he is accused of cheating on an exam, his life takes a twist that Itsuki din’t prepare for.
Going throught a slight depression because of the accusation, his childhood friend, Akari Okibyashi, turns him onto a popular video game called “The illusion“. A life simulation filled with thousands of different life scenarios, challenges and millions of players.
The environment has cought Itsuki’s attention a little too much as well as an attractive player named Eshima Kinoshita. It’s going to take a lot of work for Akari to snap her friend out of the trance The Illusion has him under.
And… could I see a preview of the comic?
Yes of course! we leave the preview below.
Where can I get the comic!?
The comic is currently being funded through a kickstarter. Where you can not only find the comic, you can also find a series of variant covers and exclusive articles that you will not be able to obtain elsewhere.
So we invite you to his page, where you can learn more about the comic and if you wish, be part of this great project!
We also invite you to follow Codex Entertainment, the creators of the comic, on their different social networks!
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