Enter a world full of chaos and lies in Mimesis #1: The End of the World, of Course!

Set in a strange land of chaos and lies, a young man must uncover the truths behind his hellish and monotonous existence. With this premise we meet Mimesis , continue with us and discover all the secrets that this comic has for us!

Mimesis is the first single issue comic book of Jake Morrison, with 30 full color pages inside, and the beginnings of a new adventure.

In this comic, we are introduced to our main protagonist: Matt. He is an anxiety-riddled teen trying to survive in a chaotic and outright confusing world. We are led to believe that they are being subjected to ‘trials’ by the ‘gods’, but something about it just doesn’t feel right. Then, something happens that changes the course of their lives and reality forever…

And here we will discover a completely new universe…

Jake Morrison has enthusiastically shared with us some details about the universe that we will see inside Mimesis, so we leave you with a few words from him below.

Another exciting element of this comic is that it’s the very first in a shared world I will be building in for the foreseeable future! My favorite thing is world building, and containing all stories within a single universe adds not only depth and history to a story, but a challenge for me as a writer as well. So look forward to that

And how is the art?

In advance we can tell you that it is wonderful, it shows the dedication that Jake has put into this project, but you can judge it for yourself. We leave you a small preview below!

How can I buy my copy of Mimesis ?

We tell you, Mimesis is being financed through Kickstarter, so you can enter its page where you can find different tiers to support the project, as well as a number of additional rewards that you can not miss!


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