Indie TCG Series – Dead World TC Halloween Cards!

Hello, dear friends! Last month, we reviewed “Dead World TCG,” a game created by the talented artist Shawn Gard, which is a fresh addition to the world of Trading Card Games. Designed by a small team, it distinguishes itself with an anime-style world, placing emphasis on fun and playability. The game comprises six factions, each with unique energy groups, offering a wide array of customization options, including battlefield structures. Dead World TCG streamlines gameplay with intuitive icons and showcases authentic art from global artists. This indie TCG blends strategy, captivating artwork, and a distinctive gaming experience for enthusiasts, learn more in their website here. Explore its limitless potential and immerse yourself in this anime-inspired universe. Additionally, we’re happy to share these amazing Halloween cards; feel free to discover more about the game and join Dead World  Instagram here!

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Indie TCG Series – Dead World TCG