Magic powder presents its new coloring book, come and discover it!

The crime fantasy comic, Magic powder, introduces us to their new coloring book, with art by Daniele Aquilani, Samuel Iwunze, & Matt Harding. Continue with C506 and discover everything we have for you!

Let’s talk about the book

THE MAGIC POWDER COLORING book is the newest offering from the MAGIC POWDER Universe! You get a chance to color scenes, character concepts, and more! For anyone who isn’t familiar with MAGIC POWDER, it’s a fantasy crime tale that feels like a mix of “Dungeons & Dragons” and “Grand Theft Auto”. Gangsters, elves, drug cartels, orcs, and all the other madness that comes with the fantasy and crime genres.

Now let’s talk about this story

MAGIC POWDER takes place in a fantasy world that has a modern feel. While the realm is vast, the majority of our tale takes place in the “Free City” of Thesz. It follows the Dwarvfather’s MAGIC POWDER cartel, and how it’s all crumbling down due to one bored Elf.

War has broken out on the streets of Thesz. The Dwarvfather is stuck in the dungeons, the orc boss is missing, and the goblins want revenge for what took place in Issue . The Librarian Zjah, and his accomplice Volta are letting it all play out from their comfy elf homes in Getier.

Issue brings the Hit-Minotaur “Fazull” to town to take care of business for Ms. Arana, the head of the goblin family. We’ll also see how orcs solve a power vacuum, what life is like in the dungeons of Thesz, and maybe most importantly, we’ll find out why the dark elf Volta owed Zjah a favor.

Now is your chance to catch-up on the first two issues AND grab the MAGIC POWDER COLORING BOOK!

Do you want to meet the team behind this great project?

Concept, script and storyboards by Jeffrey Paul Louis Schiller. Interior art, colors, lettering, character designs by Daniele Aquilani, who is based out of Italy. On covers we have Nigerian-based artist Samuel Iwunze (Issue 1 & 2A), and Matt Harding (Issue 2B), a U.S. artist. Raven Schiller another U.S. artist, has done all the graphic designs and layout work, as well as the MAGIC POWDER cover logo, and all the non-story images on this campaign page. Raven also mixed Samuel’s first cover’s color/non-colored version to make the coloring book’s cover!

Do you want to see a preview of this book?

Say no more, here we show you a preview of this amazing coloring book!

And wait! this is not over yet

In this wonderful campaign you will also be able to acquire your copies of Magic Powder 1 and 2, as well as exclusive rewards that you will not be able to find anywhere else, so we do not invite you to enter their project page

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