Indie TCG Series – Boundless TCG The Legendary Saga Kickstarter

Welcome to our Indie TCG Series! Today in our Indie TCG series, we will briefly review Boundless TCG, created by Zachary Swanson. This is just the start, as we will cover how to play and gameplay in future articles, and as usual, we will have a quick interview with the creator. For now, we want to take advantage of the momentum of the Kickstarter launch and provide a brief description. In this trading card game, players utilize a strategic approach as they join forces with their «Savior» in a fierce battle against their adversaries. They dispatch their spirits to the Void, vying for supremacy and dominance over the planet Adyta.

As in previous articles, we will focus on what makes this game different and its main characteristic. Boundless TCG has been designed for multiplayer gameplay. This doesn’t mean that 2-player games aren’t possible, but the game is more enjoyable with a group. As stated on their website, why win a battle when you can win the war?

Let’s briefly describe the gameplay. First of all, the player must choose a Savior card, which has two sides. When certain game conditions are met, Saviors can flip to their Boundless State, where they gain PWR and game-altering abilities. Next, they must construct a main deck of 30 cards comprising form and command and finally construct a spirit deck of 15 cards.

If you can’t wait until we publish our «how to play» and gameplay review articles, you can check out a «how to play» video below. The good news is that you can also try this game on Tabletop Simulator. This is an excellent option since you will have access to the cards and get to see the great art they have.

Now, let’s talk about the Kickstarter campaign. It was launched on February 24th, and you can find the campaign information here. We know that part of the excitement of backing a Kickstarter is the stretch goals, and we wanted to show you the first one. It’s important to mention that this team has experience, as they already delivered a successful campaign one year ago, so your pledge is in good hands. You can join the Boundless Discord here to be in touch with the player community, and also follow their Facebook here and Instagram here to stay updated on all the latest news. That’s all for today, but we’ll definitely be back with more information about this game, and what’s more exciting for us, a product review video.

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