Indie TCG Series – Backrooms Interview with the creator

Welcome back to the Indie TCG Series! I’m thrilled to bring you an interview with Aaron B. Juarez, the creator of Backrooms TCG. This game holds a special place in my heart as it’s a solitaire TCG, which has piqued my interest, and I can’t wait to dive into it.

What is your gaming experience?
I’ve been a passionate table gamer for years, from the days of Dungeons and Dragons 2.5 edition to Shadowrun, not to mention my extensive experience with Pokémon’s video game and TCG variants. This has given me a comprehensive understanding of the TCG genre and a nuanced approach to game mechanics.

What inspired you to create this game?
I’ve always loved the thrill of opening booster packs, and as an avid
solitaire player, I wanted to fuse these experiences. My vision was to
create a unique TCG that you can enjoy alone but also share with a
community—inspired by the mysterious allure of the Backrooms.

For how long have you been working on this game?
The game has been in development for over a year. It’s been a labor of love, built upon a strong gameplay mechanics and storytelling foundation.

What is the biggest challenge you have had in this project?
Pacing has been my biggest challenge. The ideas flowed so rapidly that I struggled with typos and clarity issues in the early stages. But
we’ve come a long way, and I couldn’t be prouder of what we’ve

What makes this game different from the others?
What truly sets our game apart is its foundation on original, uncanny
lore, rather than relying on fantastical magic systems or cute, evolving creatures. It’s a genuine departure from other TCGs in terms of theme and gameplay.

Which is your favorite card and why?
My favorite card is Doll Face. She epitomizes the game’s unique atmosphere. Her design and attributes have a certain gravitational pull that I believe players will find compelling.

What are the 3 main factors that players should support this project?

  1. Innovative Gameplay: Each session is a fresh, unpredictable journey, guaranteeing that no two games are alike.
  2. High-Quality Design: We’ve taken meticulous care in every aspect,from the artwork to the lore.
  3. Community-Driven: We’re committed to continual improvement, guided by player feedback. We offer an experience that you can enjoy solo but also share with others in meaningful ways.

What are the future plans you see for the game? Is there any plan for Latin America?
One of my highest priorities is to introduce a Spanish-language edition to appeal to the Latin American market, which has always shown great enthusiasm for this genre.

We hope you’ve enjoyed this article. “Stay tuned and click here to be notified when the Kickstarter is launched

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Indie TCG – Backrooms TCG: A Solitary Escape