Indie TCG Series – KAI BERSERK! Interview with the creator

Hello Indie TCG lovers, we have more information about Kai that you can find on Kickstarter to review and pledge if you like. We also have an interview with one of the creators, Tyler Fumich.

What is your gaming experience?

All of the Kai team have been lifelong gamers; from long halo split-screen campaign runs to mischievous Magic Commander matches, we all enjoy our games.

What inspired you to create this game?

Kai was inspired by an issue we faced. For our friend group and many others, it was too hard to get everyone interested in games like magic due to their complex nature and learning curves, meanwhile, there was a lot of competitiveness that got left out in party-style games such as Explosive Kittens or Doomlings. So we came up with Kai as a way to bridge the gap between casual and fun party-style games and competitive and more complex games such as magic. A game that can be enjoyed by anyone, regardless of their familiarity with Trading Card Games!

For how long you’ve been working on this game?

We began working on Kai Berserk in February 2020, right before COVID. Which turned out to be rather awful timing due to the heavy constraints of global shipping, but we persevered and worked passed it!

What is the biggest challenge you have had in this project?
Marketing and growth have always been a huge obstacle for us coming off the COVID market hysteria. Kai Berserk was still in development while the TCG market was booming, and as we have transitioned development to production and marketing, the market has entered a sore spot due to the many cash-grab projects that have come and gone. Many people are hesitant to pick up new games now, and we must work hard to win them over.

Which is your favorite card and why?
My favorite card is “Discovery” which can be found in the Kickstarter Set as a Silicon Rare. It’s a very wacky, almost psychedelic-themed card that depicts the story of when Masacols first discovered 5-LP mushrooms on Mars. Such a beautiful piece, as well as being the horizontal card currently in the game!

What makes this game different from the others?
Kai Berserk aims to fill a gap that other card games often get lost in. We want to bring the community into the project because your game is only as good as your community. With Kai we also want to make a card game experience that you can share with anyone. The games’ easy-to-learn mechanics and wildly varying art styles will help to bring in people who otherwise have never thought to get into card games. Finally, a promise from the team to always keep our players and fans at the forefront of decisions and discussions. We know how it feels when a game you love starts heading down a path people don’t agree with and we aim to avoid that at all cost.

What are the plans you see for the game? Is there any plan for Latin America?
We plan to grow Kai Berserk to the biggest it can be. we currently have game night tours set up throughout our home state of Florida to get Kai introduced to more players, and after Kickstarter, we want to travel farther and bring on ambassadors that can help to spread the word! As we grow Kai Berserk we’d love to get involved in the Latin American community and create regional deck variants and maybe even regional promo variants!

That is all for today. I hope you enjoyed it. Stay tuned for more Indie TCG news!

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Indie TCG Series – Kai Berserk Kickstarter live!!!