There’s still time! Come and discover with us the amazing story behind Nick of Time #1 – Only on Kickstarter

Kickstarter is used to present us with incredible projects, where what stands out the most is the creativity and talent of writers and artists who wish to bring to life unique works! Today we have the pleasure to present you Nick of Time #1, continue with us and discover what this incredible comic is about!

Let’s talk about the story of Nick of Time

From the very beginning, Father Time has helped the Timekeepers watch over our universe from their homeworld of Infinitum. Now, as he prepares to appoint one of his children to be his heir, no one wants the job less than his playboy son, Nick.

But when Nick’s meddling in human history creates a deadly Paradox, he and his siblings – Dawn, Justin, and Summer – must embark on a thrilling journey throughout all of time and space, to save the universe from destruction.

Follow Nick on his action-packed, time-traveling adventure, as he visits iconic periods from our past and future – each brought to life in their own unique style by a different illustrative team!

Would you like to see a preview of this comic?

Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered, below is a preview of Nick of Time #1.

Want to meet the creative team behind this story?

Say no more!

Now, let’s talk about how to get your copy of Nick of Time #1

As we mentioned at the beginning, this project is being funded through Kickstarter, where you can not only find this comic, but you can also find original art, exclusive prints and previous comics. So don’t miss this opportunity, go to the following link and be part of this project Nick of Time #1 – NSFW, Time Travel Adventure Series

Remember it’s for a limited time, so don’t miss this opportunity!

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