We have often mentioned that Kickstarter is a wonderful world, full of amazing stories, with creators who give their all to bring special stories to life. Today we are pleased to present Malicent Black, a Sci-fi horror from the father and son team responsible for SAM AND HIS TALKING GUN!
Let’s find out what this story is about!
Malicent Black is a 32-page, full color comic created by Drew and Lee Ferguson.
Malicent Black is everything we love about sci-fi and horror smashed together and stuffed into a screaming book (no, really), and it’s our dream comic. To top it off, we have an amazing cover by the one and only Gary Frank! We couldn’t be more excited about sharing this book with you … yes, YOU, the one on your phone. This is the first of many, many stories we have to tell in MALICENT’S world … a place where science and the supernatural combine, allowing us to play around in a universe where so much is possible … but maybe shouldn’t be.
– Lee Ferguson
Malicent Black…
The Universe has never seen someone quite like Malicent, and I certainly don’t mean that as a compliment. If the Universe had a song for Malicent, it would make the song about the Grinch look like a love letter. People spit on the ground Malicent walks on, and it’s not without reason; her whole crew is dead, every single crew she’s ever had in fact, and it was completely, entirely, unequivocally, her fault. Each and every time.
But that doesn’t mean you know everything you need to know about Malicent. She doesn’t like losing people, losing friends, always being in that utterly damned situation where she has to make an impossible choice none of the chuckleheads who think they know her could ever imagine. She doesn’t like much about this job, really. It’s shit. It’s always going to be shit, she knows that by now. It’s why she doesn’t work with anybody anymore. You get enough people killed, you either stop letting them in or you’re a piece of shit.
What she does love? When she gets to hurt someone bad. When she gets to hurt something TERRIBLE, when she gets to really go full blood and guts and magic and full-on-cosmic-screaming. She gets this snarling smirk, because y’see, it’s not entirely altruistic, what she does. The byproduct of it is that people get helped, and yeah, somewhere in her is a thing she buried a long time ago that wants to help people. But the engine that drives her, she knows, is liking being the person that the dark, and the light, think about before they drift off to sleep every night. Being the thing that smiles through the flames and makes the one that set the match back up in that uniquely oh-god-oh-hell-what-have-I-done kind of way.
Malicent Black doesn’t hate the big bad things in the dark. She hates that she kind of understands them.
Let’s take a look at the amazing creative team behind this comic!
LEE FERGUSON has been making comic books for a while. From creator owned projects like FREAK, THE MANY ADVENTURES OF MIRANDA MERCURY and SAM AND HIS TALKING GUN, to projects for MARVEL, DC and many others … he’s written, pencilled, inked and colored a ton of characters and stories. But MALICENT BLACK is his favorite.
DREW FERGUSON is a talented rising star. So far, he’s written SAM AND HIS TALKING GUN, and well, what you’re looking at right now, MALICENT BLACK. The armed goons his enemies have hired to stop him have yet to finish the job, so it seems like he’s just going to keep writing words until someone stops him for good.
DC HOPKINS Letterer/designer for BOOM!, Dark Horse, DC, Disney, Harper Alley, Humanoids, IDW, Image, Penguin, Vault, & more!
GARY FRANK is one of the most accomplished creators working in comics today. With runs on characters such as the Hulk, Supergirl, Superman, Batman and many more, he’s now focusing his energies on creator owned projects GEIGER and JUNKYARD JOE with longtime collaborator Geoff Johns at Image Comics.
Would you like to see a preview of Malicent Black?
To be honest with you, we are also excited to see a preview of such a remarkable story, so without further ado, here is the preview of Malicent Black #1.
Find out how you can get your copy of this comic!
Malicent Black is being funded through Kickstarter, where you will not only find this comic, but you will also find amazing variant covers, original art and much more! We really invite you to be part of this project and discover all that this new comic has to offer. Go to their Kickstarter website and be part of Malicent Black!
From the C506 team, we are really excited about this comic, so we want to remind you that this project is for a limited time only, so don’t miss the opportunity and go to their website today!
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Biotechnology engineer, comic book collector and Pokémon enthusiast.